Relevant Campus Links for Students in Sociology at UCSB
American’s With Disabilities Act at UCSB: This website provides a thorough listing of resources for quickly locating information and/or campus services related to access and/or accommodations at UCSB for people with disabilities. See also Disabled Students Program (below).
Campus Learning Assistance Services (CLAS): CLAS is a tremendous resource for those students who need further help with writing and study skills. Visit their website or stop in their office in the Student Resource Building, Room 3210.
Counseling Services: Student life can be stressful, and often times people need to seek help with handling a crisis or other situations. Counseling Services at UCSB can help. Find more information about how on their website.
Directory: On this page a campus directory is available to find other students, Campus Staff, Faculty, and Departments.
Disabled Students Program (DSP): This site provides many resources for students with disabilities. Students with permanent or temporary learning, physical or mental disabilities must have these disabilities documented by DSP in order to receive accommodation in the classroom and throughout the campus.
Financial Aid: Students interested in understanding the resources available to fund their education and how to access this money should visit the campus Financial Aid Office’s website.
Letters & Science Advising (L&S): Have questions about your overall academic progress outside of the sociology major? Check in with Letters & Science advising for more information regarding your path to graduation.
Map: Can’t find your class? Don’t know where your TA’s office is? Answer all these questions and more using these campus maps.
Registrar’s Office: The UCSB Registrar provides information on: Calendars and Deadlines, Enrollment and Registration, Fee Information, Final Examinations, Grades, Graduation, Leaving and Returning to UCSB, Establishing California Residency for Fee Purposes, Student Records, Transcripts and Verifications, Welcoming New Students and the UCSB Catalog.
Sexual Harassment and Title 9: UCSB takes sexual harassment seriously. If you seek more information on this topic, have experienced a problem in this area, or you are concerned that you may have, please contact reach out to
Student Health: Most physical needs of students can be met on campus through their student insurance. Please visit UCSB’s Student Health services website for more information.
UCSB Admissions: People interested in attending the University of California, Santa Barbara should visit this website to receive information on applying to UCSB and visiting the campus. If you are interested in sociology at UCSB, be sure to let them know!
Education Abroad Program: Interested in going abroad? Visit the UCSB EAP page for more information about the available programs and opportunities.