The Sociology Department offers a two quarter Honors Research Practicum (196H-HR) in which students with established records of superior scholarship are provided a unique opportunity to write a senior honors thesis. Fall quarter is devoted to planning and designing students' research projects. Winter centers on execution of the design, including research and write-up.
The Sociology Honors Program provides students with the opportunity to graduate from UCSB with "Distinction in the Major" upon completion of at least one graduate seminar and the two quarter practicum with grades of B or better. In addition, students must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5. Students may elect to participate in the Practicum only and not take the graduate course. However, students will not receive "Distinction in the Major".
To be eligible for the Honors Practicum in Sociology, students must have completed at least 105 units, including Sociology 1, statistics, and at least one other methodology course. Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5; students need to have taken at least 16 upper-division sociology units at UCSB with a minimum GPA of 3.5. In addition it is strongly recommended that students interested in the honors program acquire competency in the methodology related to their specific area of research. Students who meet these requirements will be invited in the spring quarter of their junior year by the department to participate.
Students who meet the requirements for admission to the honors program must submit a writing sample from a social science course (the sample can be from a take-home examination). This paper, along with the student's GPA and a statement of purpose for being in the program, will form the basis for the final determination of who is admitted to the program.
Please see the academic advisors in the Sociology Undergraduate Office to obtain further information.