Tagart Cain Sobotka

Tagart Cain
Assistant Teaching Professor
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Office Hours

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Office Location

SSMS 3312


Gender, social psychology, substance use / addiction, mixed methods


Ph.D. Stanford University


My teaching and research interests are primarily in the areas of gender, social psychology, substance use, and research methods. Drawing on a mix of experimental and qualitative methods, my research centers on identifying the micro- and meso-level mechanisms that contribute to persistent inequality, particularly in the areas of health and gender. In one line of work, I focus on the opioid crisis. This body of work includes my dissertation, which drew on in-depth interviews to identify the consequences that conflicting conceptions of addiction and recovery have on the identities, relationships, and well-being of opioid users and their families. In my second line of work, I focus on the stalled gender revolution. I demonstrate how diffuse gender beliefs and social psychological mechanisms, such as status threat and pluralistic ignorance, push men to act in ways that reinforce gender inequality. 
As a first-generation college student who began their academic career at a community college, my goal as an instructor and mentor is to promote diversity and inclusion both inside and outside of the classroom. I believe that what is learned in the classroom should extend beyond a term paper or a final exam, helping students to better understand their own lives and critically assess important issues. Moreover, I strive to help students develop practical skills that they can utilize in both academic and non-academic careers.