Education, Organizations, Gender, Labor, Policy
B.A. Sociology & Organizational Studies, University of Michigan.
Charlotte is a Doctoral Candidate in the Department of Sociology at UCSB. Her research focuses on education, organizations, gender, and policy. She aims to provide evidence-based policy recommendations to the public using high-quality research methods. Charlotte is a Graduate Associate of the Broom Center for Demography and uses both quantitative and qualitative methods.
Introduction to Sociology (SOC 1)
Social Stratification (SOC 122)
Sociology of Education (SOC 164)
Women and Work (SOC 153)
Theories of Gender Inequality (SOC 185G)
Current Issues in Social Psychology (SOC 147)
Special Topics in Research Methods: Qualitative Methodology (SOC 108ST)
Sociological Research Traditions (SOC 108A)
Methods of Sociological Research (SOC 108)