Globalization, Global Political Economy, Political Sociology, Development, Latin America, Inequality, Crisis of Capitalism
Ph.D., University of New Mexico
My research areas are macro and comparative sociology, globalization and transnationalism, political economy, political sociology, development and social change, immigration, Latin America and the Third World, class and capitalism. I attempt to link my academic work to struggles in the United States and around the world for social justice. Among the undergraduate classes I teach are: Globalization and Resistance, Sociology of Globalization, Global Inequalities, Development and Social Change in Latin America, and Twentieth-Century Revolutions in Theory and Practice. My publications and professional activities are discussed on my web page: http://robinson.faculty.soc.
130LA: Development and Social change in Latin America
130GR: Globalization and Resistance
130SG: Sociology of Globalization
266LA: Sociology of Latin America