Historical political sociology, contentious politics, antimining struggles, Andean and Latin American politics, Marxism, indigenous socialism, Political Economy, Antisystemic movements
M.A. Latin American Studies, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador
M.A. Political Sociology, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Ecuador
B.A. Political Science, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos – Perú
He began his studies in political science at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Peru), where he was able to get closer to the student’s field of contention, as well as later co-founding the Revista Andina de Estudios Políticos (ISSN: 2221-4135) and the Instituto de Estudios Políticos Andinos (IEPA). His interest in the historical political sociology of Charles Tilly led him to the construction and analysis of protest event catalogues, publishing in 2015 his first co-authored peer reviewed paper entitled: "Rethinking the fragmentation of Peruvian post-transition transgressive contentious politics, 2001-2003". He migrated to Ecuador in 2016 to study the M.A. in Political Sociology at FLACSO Ecuador due to a scholarship for international students. His first master's thesis built a theory on the scale shift of anti-mining struggles in Cajamarca (Peru), tracing the social mechanisms present in the contentious campaign for the defense of the water of the Quilish Mountain. In 2019 he received a second international scholarship to study the M.A. in Latin American Studies at UASB-Ecuador. His second master's thesis recently published, introduced the categories of imperialism and peasantry in his analysis of the antimining struggles in Cajamarca, paving the way for the integration of Marxism and historical political sociology in his further research