Jason Turowetz

Jason Turowetz
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Office Location

SSMS 3127


Social theory, ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, health and medicine, race and ethnicity, culture


Jason Turowetz is lecturer in sociology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of multiple areas, including social theory, ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, health and medicine, race and ethnicity, and culture. His work has appeared in Sociological Theory, Social Psychology Quarterly, Sociology of Health & Illness, Symbolic Interaction, Social Science & Medicine, and Research on Language & Social Interaction. He is coauthor, with Douglas Maynard, of Autistic Intelligence: Interaction, Individuality, and the Challenges of Diagnosis (University of Chicago Press, 2022), and with Matthew Hollander of Morality in the Making of Sense and Self: Stanley Milgram’s ‘Obedience’ Experiments and the New Science of Morality (Oxford University Press, 2023).


SOC 207B      Sociological theory (graduate)             
SOC 185S      Sociological theory (undergraduate)
SOC 122        Social Stratification
SOC 128        Race and Ethnicity
SOC 145        Social Inequality
SOC 134        Social Movements
SOC 108        Research Methods
SOC 1            Introduction to Sociology