Emily Fox

Emily Fox
Graduate Student
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Office Location

SSMS 3021


Gender, Sexuality, Friendship, Masculinities, Culture, Social Psychology, Feminist Theory


B.A., DePauw University, Indiana

M.A., UC, Santa Barbara


Emily Fox is a PhD student in the department of Sociology with a doctoral emphasis in Feminist Studies. Her research considers how gender (particularly masculinities), sexuality, and other social positions shape experiential aspects of friendship. Her MA thesis used nationally representative survey data to show that young adults' reported closeness to their best friend is not only stratified by gender, but also ethnoracial identity and socioeconomic class. Moving forward, she plans to qualitatively investigate how men understand, create, maintain, and benefit from their friendships with each other.



As Teaching Assistant: Introduction to Sociology (3); Issues in Social Psychology (4); Social Inequalities; Sociology of Privilege; Race, Gender, Class, Sexuality; Experimental Research Methods & Design
As Teaching Associate (Instructor of Record): Social Inequalities