Conversation Analysis, Ethnomethodology, Policing
Ph.D., UC Los Angeles
Geoffrey Raymond is a Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His research interests include conversation analysis, the role of talk-in-interaction in the organization of institutions, and qualitative research methods. His research has appeared in the American Sociological Review, Social Psychology Quarterly, and Language in Society, among other places. He is co-editor, with Paul Drew and Darin Weinberg of Talk and Interaction in Social Research Methods.
I teach a range of graduate and undergraduate courses:
• Soc. 136A The Analysis of Conversation Interaction
• Soc. 136B Methods of Conversation Analytic Research
• Soc. 136M Communication in Medical Care
• Soc. 185E Introduction to Ethnomethodology
• Soc. 212R Analyzing Recorded Interaction
• Soc. 236A The Analysis of Conversational Interaction (Graduate Course)
• Soc. 236V The Analysis of Video Data
• Soc. 274 Pro-seminar on Language, Interaction and Social Organization